Relative Pronoun - Soal dan Jawaban

Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda Tentang Relative Pronoun Lengkap Jawaban 
  1. It was Hsna … couldn’t stop fooling around.
    a. Which
    b. Whom
    c. That
    d. What
  2. Mily is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.
    a. Which
    b. Whom
    c. Who
    d. What
  3. Vina’s brother, … is extremely dilligent, named his new baby Tommy.
    a. That
    b. Whom
    c. Who
    d. Which
  4. The car … was bought by Adam two year ago has broken down so many times.
    a. Whom
    b. Which
    c. Whose
    d. That
  5. The man … is eating ramen noodles on the convenience store lives near my house.
    a. Which
    b. Who
    c. Whom
    d. That
  6. The poor boy is sleeping on the mattress, … is too dirty and old.
    a. Which
    b. That
    c. Whose
    d. Who
  7. The worker … you are looking won’t be back to the office today.
    a. Whom
    b. For whom
    c. To whom
    d. Whose
  8. Marie Curie, … husband worked as a laboratory instructor, was a pioneer in the field of radiology.
    a. Whose
    b. Who
    c. Whom
    d. That
  9. It was Sarah … couldn’t stop fooling around.
    a. Whom
    b. That
    c. Which
    d. Whose
  10. The man ..... answered the phone was rather rude
    a. Which

    b. That
    c. Whom
    d. Who
  11. Where are the people ........ ordered the taxi?
    a. That

    b. Which
    c. Whom
    d. Who
  12. I've lost the paper ...... I had written her phone number on
    a. Not

    b. Whose
    c. That
    d. Who
  13. The day ...... I started work there was a disaster
    a. Which

    b. That
    c. Where
    d. Who
  14. The man ....... interviewed you is the boss
    a. That

    b. Will
    c. Which
    d. Who
  15. The man ....... house was robbed has still not been paid by the insurance company
    a. Which

    b. That
    c. Whose
    d. Who
  16. The people ....... moved in next door seem very friendly
    a. Who

    b. Whom
    c. Which
    d. That
  17. He's got three dogs, all of ..... are aggressive
    a. Which

    b. That
    c. Yes
    d. Who
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